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Monday, August 1, 2011

Number 7 (September 2006)

Select abstracts

"Stratford in the 1880s". Extract from the published work of the same name, written by Dr Arthur South. Deals with Tom HOLT, from a distinguished family in England who had disgraced himself, Tom TWEEDIE (who died in WWI) and eels. (pp5-7)

"Let's take a stroll down Memory Lane" reprinted from Bulletin 5 Feb 1980. Includes roadmakers (and their horses), 1916 floods, Invermichie school (and teacher Mr HAMBROOK), the TWEEDIE family, notable students from Stratford school, fighting at school to settle differences. (pp8-10)

"Wonderful Discovery" Discovery of 1866 voters roll for Shire of Avon, including early Maffra and Dargo areas, and women voting in the 1860s. (p.11)

"Museum Piece". Photographs and text re the KOERSTZ wool press recently donated to the museum by the STOTHERS family of Llowalong.



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